Thursday, October 26, 2006

oh, just on the phone Dad, go away...

It has started, now she can talk she thinks she can lock herself in a bedroom and talk on the phone all afternoon…

Monday, October 16, 2006

Weekend in Taupo

Have just come home from a great weekend break in Taupo, to catch up with Chris and Ness. The weather was not all that crash hot for skiing so we opted for a bush walk instead, and a bit of mountain biking. Saturday afternoon walking in the bush was much more pleasant than being out in the very strong wind... and was followed with a nice swim in the hot pools at Tokaanu.

Cool man, Chris brought along her long board, and all 3 of us can fit on for a ride at the same time!

Nat and Ella throwing stones into the lake, and Guy flying Nat’s kite. (which was obviously not as exciting as throwing stones.)
Nat has quite a good throwing arm on him. Guy was having a bit more trouble keeping the kite airborne…
Bush walk followed by a lovely swim at Tokaanu hot springs.
Hitching a ride
Anyone would have thought it was Christmas, with strawberries, ice-cream and mini pav’s for dessert
And then when we got home, it was so hot, someone needed to cool off in her own private spa pool…

Thursday, October 12, 2006

hair do

I was such a good girl at the hair dresser the other day, that she even did this fancy thing to my hair after she had cut it.
I must have had the prettiest hair at day care that day...

the photo doesn't do it justice Daddy...

helping feed the lambs

had to help feed the lambs today at the Beamish's house...

very important job that required loads of concentration...

Friday, October 06, 2006

horse riding

This is the latest,
Daddy has added a stick to Paddy the pony, so now Ella can play hobbyhorse
giddy up Paddy

looking at me?

looking at me?