Saturday morning and still nothing to report... keep waiting.
nothing happened on friday, went to the mid wife again and check up was all fine. Baby still happily waiting inside... maybe on the weekend?
Nothing happened on Thursday either...
WEDNESDAYso far wednesday is still uneventful. now about 5 days over due, but Ella was at least 6 days overdue, so all is still well...
and wednesday has now come and gone too. still no baby...
TUESDAYtuesday has come and gone, and still no news on the baby front. had a check up and baby still happy right where it is...
MONDAYfor those who are waiting to hear news, there is no news yet.
still just waiting. Ang still comfortable, (thanks to some aircon, and the occasional swim in the neighbors pool)
yes i have been slack on the blog since christmas, but am saving up for lots of blog action in the next week or so.
will keep you all updated as to the progress.