Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Art Deco weekend

last weekend was busy, Ella went off on friday afternoon to spend the weekend with Grandma and Poppa, then at 5pm Ang Lucy and I joined the neighbours and other friends at the More FM winery tour. Black Barn was packed and we all had a great time listening to Boh Runga and Che Fu, followed by Tim Finn, Dave Dobbin and Bic Runga. All the music that you know enough to sing along to, (if you choose to obviously)

Then saturday I managed to get in some racing with the cycle club (it was pretty hot!) and then later that afternoon we went over to Napier and wandered around the waterfront/soundshell, listened to Jazz, watched the vintage cars putt up and down the street, sat on the beach, and generally chilled out.

Ang doing her Pania of the reef impersonation here... Lucy just being vocal...

Sunday we drifted back over to Napier mid morning and watched the soap box derby races. Some folk have spare time to make very impressive box cars...
icecreams and then back home to greet Phil and Michelle with Jasmine and Amber who are over from Adelaide. The girls had a great afternoon playing dress ups and in the cubby house, then we all sat down to a big sunday roast dinner! Yum.
Grandma and Poppa joined us for dinner too, Happy Birthday Poppa!

Amber on the see-saw Jasmine the fairy flying down the lawn...
Next on the calender is a certain little girls 5th birthday...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lucy yesterday

thankfully Lucy is feeling a bit better today.
This was last night at dinner, and she just wasn't in the mood for much.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Ella and her fruit rocket from yesterday, this was for breakfast while I was out riding...

home day

Girls both at home today, Lucy had the sick bug sat/sunday and is still recovering, and Ella started this morning!
They were both chilling out on the couches this morning after breakfast. Thankfully Ella has bounced back quickly and seems to be feeling ok for now.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

anyone for a snooze?

A conversation Ella and Ang had yesterday.

Ella: "mummy why are adults not allowed to drink alcohol and then drive a car?"

Mummy: "Because it makes them sleepy and thats dangerous when you are driving"

Ella: "So you mean alcohol is like lettuce..."

Mummy: "huh? what do you mean Ella?"

Ella: "you know, alcohol makes you adults soporific like the flopsy bunnies."

Mummy: "yes, I guess so Ella."

For those who have not (or cannot remeber) reading the story this references...

The Tale Of The Flopsy Bunnies



IT is said that the effect of eating too much lettuce is "soporific."

I have never felt sleepy after eating lettuces; but then I am not a rabbit.

They certainly had a very soporific effect upon the Flopsy Bunnies!

WHEN Benjamin Bunny grew up, he married his Cousin Flopsy. They had a large family, and they were very improvident and cheerful.

I do not remember the separate names of their children; they were generally called the "Flopsy Bunnies."

AS there was not always quite enough to eat,-- Benjamin used to borrow cabbages from Flopsy's brother, Peter Rabbit, who kept a nursery garden.

SOMETIMES Peter Rabbit had no cabbages to spare.

WHEN this happened, the Flopsy Bunnies went across the field to a rubbish heap, in the ditch outside Mr. McGregor's garden.

MR. McGREGOR'S rubbish heap was a mixture. There were jam pots and paper bags, and mountains of chopped grass from the mowing machine

(which always tasted oily), and some rotten vegetable marrows and an old boot or two. One day--oh joy!--there were a quantity of overgrown lettuces, which had "shot" into flower.

THE Flopsy Bunnies simply stuffed lettuces. By degrees, one after another, they were overcome with slumber, and lay down in the mown grass.

Benjamin was not so much overcome as his children. Before going to sleep he was sufficiently wide awake to put a paper bag over his head to keep off the flies.

THE little Flopsy Bunnies slept delightfully in the warm sun. From the lawn beyond the garden came the distant clacketty sound of the mowing machine. The blue- bottles buzzed about the wall, and a little old mouse picked over the rubbish among the jam pots.

(I can tell you her name, she was called Thomasina Tittlemouse, a woodmouse with a long tail.)

SHE rustled across the paper bag, and awakened Benjamin Bunny.

The mouse apologized profusely, and said that she knew Peter Rabbit.

WHILE she and Benjamin were talking, close under the wall, they heard a heavy tread above their heads; and suddenly Mr. McGregor emptied out a sackful of lawn mowings right upon the top of the sleeping Flopsy Bunnies! Benjamin shrank down under his paper bag. The mouse hid in a jam pot.

THE little rabbits smiled sweetly in their sleep under the shower of grass; they did not awake because the lettuces had been so soporific.

They dreamt that their mother Flopsy was tucking them up in a hay bed.

Mr. McGregor looked down after emptying his sack. He saw some funny little brown tips of ears sticking up through the lawn mowings. He stared at them for some time.

PRESENTLY a fly settled on one of them and it moved.

Mr. McGregor climbed down on to the rubbish heap--

"One, two, three, four! five! six leetle rabbits!" said he as he dropped them into his sack. The Flopsy Bunnies dreamt that their mother was turning them over in bed. They stirred a little in their sleep, but still they did not wake up.

MR. McGREGOR tied up the sack and left it on the wall.

He went to put away the mowing machine.

WHILE he was gone, Mrs. Flopsy Bunny (who had remained at home) came across the field.

She looked suspiciously at the sack and wondered where everybody was?

THEN the mouse came out of her jam pot, and Benjamin took the paper bag off his head, and they told the doleful tale.

Benjamin and Flopsy were in despair, they could not undo the string.

But Mrs. Tittlemouse was a resourceful person. She nibbled a hole in the bottom corner of the sack.

THE little rabbits were pulled out and pinched to wake them.

Their parents stuffed the empty sack with three rotten vegetable marrows, an old blacking-brush and two decayed turnips.

THEN they all hid under a bush and watched for Mr. McGregor.

MR. McGREGOR came back and picked up the sack, and carried it off.

He carried it hanging down, as if it were rather heavy.

The Flopsy Bunnies followed at a safe distance.

THEY watched him go into his house.

And then they crept up to the window to listen.

MR. McGREGOR threw down the sack on the stone floor in a way that would have been extremely painful to the Flopsy Bunnies, if they had happened to have been inside it.

They could hear him drag his chair on the flags, and chuckle--

"One, two, three, four, five, six leetle rabbits!" said Mr. McGregor.

"EH? What's that? What have they been spoiling now?" enquired Mrs. McGregor.

"One, two, three, four, five, six leetle fat rabbits!" repeated Mr. McGregor, counting on his fingers--"one, two, three--"

"Don't you be silly; what do you mean, you silly old man?"

"In the sack! one, two, three, four, five, six!" replied Mr. McGregor.

(The youngest Flopsy Bunny got upon the window-sill.)

MRS. McGREGOR took hold of the sack and felt it. She said she could feel six, but they must be OLD rabbits, because they were so hard and all different shapes.

"Not fit to eat; but the skins will do fine to line my old cloak."

"Line your old cloak?" shouted Mr. McGregor--"I shall sell them and buy myself baccy!"

"Rabbit tobacco! I shall skin them and cut off their heads."

MRS. McGREGOR untied the sack and put her hand inside.

When she felt the vegetables she became very very angry. She said that Mr. McGregor had "done it a purpose."

AND Mr. McGregor was very angry too. One of the rotten marrows came flying through the kitchen window, and hit the youngest Flopsy Bunny.

It was rather hurt.

THEN Benjamin and Flopsy thought that it was time to go home.

SO Mr. McGregor did not get his tobacco, and Mrs. McGregor did not get her rabbit skins.

But next Christmas Thomasina Tittlemouse got a present of enough rabbit-wool to make herself a cloak and a hood, and a handsome muff and a pair of warm mittens.


Monday, February 08, 2010

dress ups

Lucy the ballet fairy, on point...
Ella, aahhhhh not sure what she was supposed to be in this get up, but yes that is a skirt at the top and a tee shirt at the bottom and a pair of trowsers on her head...

dress ups from last week, Lucy is in on the game now too, and loves getting in the dress up box just as much as Ella. I loose count of the number of changes of clothes Ella go's through every day...

Great weekend, topped off with a bike ride out to the beach for me, and meeting up with Ang and the girls out there, having a BBQ lunch and then a swim and play on the beach.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

thought it had got quiet

The walk to kindy and back must have been a little taxing on Lucy this morning, we had been home an hour, she had a snack and then fell asleep on the couch. nice for some...

looking at me?

looking at me?