Friday, March 31, 2006

under age part 2

On the topic of being under age, I think we will put Ella’s new toy that uncle Yoda (Narly) sent. We don’t think that it is age appropriate and Ella needs a chance to mature a little before she takes on the role of Jedi Knight.
Besides, she almost took off Mum’s arm with it yesterday narrowly missing and slicing the TV in half in the process.

filling mummies shoes

Only just learned to walk and already trying to fill mummies shoes. Or at least try to walk around in them... cant wait till she gets into mummies high heels in the wardrobe, then she will really have to work on her balance.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Under Age!

Swear I only turned my back for a few seconds…
Not only is she walking now but she is getting better at climbing, and getting into things she is not allowed!!!!!!!
She is growing up fast, but I am afraid she still has 17 years to wait before she is allowed to wean off milk and onto Heineken!!!

Commonwealth games 2022?

Doing laps of the Kitchen Velodrome as she starts her build up to the Games…

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Helping Dad build

This is Ella trying to help me put this cupboard together. Has to be at the center of all the action...

Day Care

Well this week Ella has started at Day Care. She will do a few afternoons/week, which will allow Dad to start some part time work. No drama what-so-ever, walked into the day care room and made a b-line for the sand pit, and the other kids. No good bye, no tears, no hows-your-father. Just see you later Dad, I'm busy playing. (more traumatic for her parents than her obviously...)
Well the first day, she had a very long afternoon playing and eventually gave in to sleep at 4.15pm just 15mins before I went to pick her up! (I did leave her asleep for a little while longer before we went home...)
Another big hurdle/change that she has just taken in her stride. We are lucky she is such a social little thing.

Jewellery Appreciation

Worrying that she has already developed a taste for BLING BLING… these beads were a hit, and as for hair dos, well there has been some interesting developments there too, this is the first pony tail!
(all be it very short and not all that attractive just yet, but got to start somewhere…)

off at pace now!

This is a week later, and Ella is now quite good at walking, going from grass to concrete, negotiating small changes in the contour etc, no worries. Takes a bit of concentration of course, and we still look like a ‘sleep walking mummy’ with the arms out in front for balance, but she is starting to carry things around with her now so that will soon change too.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

First Steps

This was Saturday the 11th March. We had all gone up to Auckland and spent a few days with friends that also have kids. (older kids, that already walk…) and it only took Ella a few days watching the older kids before she decided that she could do away with crawling, and that walking looked a much better option for getting around. So this is a morning spent at the park, practicing walking!!!
We also had a lot of fun at the wave pool, and got a lot of use out of the slide, eventually Ella was even going down a small slide on her own! (into very shallow water at the bottom of course, and could crawl away from the bottom of the slide.)
Over the course of the following few days, Ella has become very proficient at walking, and is even quicker at disappearing now than she was 2 weeks ago…

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


dont forget to pack me dad!

Madelaine comes to visit

We have had a busy weekend, with our friends Mandy, Dean and daughter Madelaine visiting from the UK. Madelaine had a great time with 'Baby Ella', playing games with her and trying to get Ella to follow her around (shame Ella is not quite walking yet...).
Now they have moved on and continue their tour around the country catching up with family and friends, and we are off to to a conference in Auckland for a few days.
Going to spend a night in Taupo, (a treat for Ang's Birthday) and then stay with friends up in Auckland.
Might not get many posts over the next few days, as I don't know if I will have access to a computer.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Dancing Singing Puppies

I haven’t worked out how to link a bit of video to this blog yet, (must work that out one day) so for now you will just have to imagine these two puppies singing “I’ve got you babe” in cute little puppy voices. The little brown puppy doing the boy part, and the little white puppy doing the girl part. They sing along happily, nodding their heads to the music and even their little chins move in time to the words.
This came from a good friend of ours in Australia, Mahinder.
Anyway, Ella loves it, she is soooooo cute when she sits in front of it and bobs away to the music with the little puppies, giggling away to her self as the puppies nod their heads.

Diamonds on the soles of my shoes

Or is that Frogs??!!

“Look at my new shoes!” Thanks to Rose, Brian and Jeanie for these, they are cool!!!!!!!!!

(and a girl can never have too many pairs of shoes.)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

unfinished unpacking

I thought we had finished unpacking, but what is this? another box of stuff?

Well Maybe
NO! it's unpacking itself, it's Ella's play house (Budget I know...) but Ella has the greatest time playing boo, hiding in her play house, and then bursting through the door, to say boo to Mum and Dad.

Modelling my new tee shirt

Thank you Alice for Ella's new tee shirt, she loves it, (pink is her favourite! Jo would be proud) and as you can see Ella is busy doing her new Hairy MacLary puzzle that grandma gave her, so far she is pretty good at taking all the dogs out of the puzzle, and it's a bit random when she get them back in the right slots, but she is getting better with some help from Dad.

looking at me?

looking at me?