Sunday, March 19, 2006

First Steps

This was Saturday the 11th March. We had all gone up to Auckland and spent a few days with friends that also have kids. (older kids, that already walk…) and it only took Ella a few days watching the older kids before she decided that she could do away with crawling, and that walking looked a much better option for getting around. So this is a morning spent at the park, practicing walking!!!
We also had a lot of fun at the wave pool, and got a lot of use out of the slide, eventually Ella was even going down a small slide on her own! (into very shallow water at the bottom of course, and could crawl away from the bottom of the slide.)
Over the course of the following few days, Ella has become very proficient at walking, and is even quicker at disappearing now than she was 2 weeks ago…

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