Wednesday, August 02, 2006


had a great weekend away down on the Farm with Grandma and Poppa. Ella had fun pointing and naming things, this is the latest development, she is always trying to point to something and name it. She is pretty good with animals, sheep get 'Baa Baa', dogs get 'Woo Woo', Cats get 'Maoo', cows get 'Mooo' most of the time as do horses, (we have to work on that one, she needed correcting to get the 'Neigh Neigh' right for horses...)
started getting 'Poppa' and 'Ma' right too, by the end of the weekend.
We called in on friends at Whana-iti on the way home, and Ella had a very busy afternoon, playing with Finn (4) Nat (2) and Sophie (1) tearing around the house, and jumping on the Tramp etc... (she almost fell asleep at day care the next afternoon, which is almost unheard of! she was so smashed)

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