Monday, November 06, 2006

Weekend fun with the Beamish's

Saturday morning sleepin with Finn and teddy's... Don't tell Mummy, but Daddy took me to McDonalds and I had a burger all of my own, and fries and was then super charged for an hour of fun in the playground!!!!!!!
Nat and Sophie were having a ball too.
Everyone was supercharged, in more ways than one, look closely at Sophie's hair, all up on end with the static charge from the warm plastic slide... shocks all round!!!
Ella had a ball on the slide too...

Then we went fishing at the Napier pier. Well Finn went fishing (with a support crew of at least 5.) The girls just hung out in the porta cot, and threw bread to the sparrows. No fish caught this time but Finn got his cast down pretty good, and could cast just about half way across to the inlet! (no eyes or fingers missing at the end of the day either which was good.)

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