Wednesday, January 10, 2007

big bed

What have I started.

Last night Ella wanted to take her baby doll to bed, and just for something different I suggested to her that she put baby doll to bed in the big bed in her room while she went to bed in her cot like normal.

Well 20mins later there was a screaming match going on because Ella wanted to be in the big bed with baby dolly… in order to put an end to the noise and get Ella off to sleep, she was promptly settled into the big bed (with a few pillows on the floor in case of the obvious roll out of bed that was likely to happen…)

10min later off to sleep no problem… 12 am no problem, 2am no problem, 3.30 awake and standing up in bed asking someone to hold her hand… (? Half asleep at this point and holding hands to cross the road was the big lesson at daycare today…) tucked in and back to sleep, 4.45am screaming, had fallen out the bottom of the bed onto the washing basket (obviously the only place where there were no pillows to land on…) took a bit to settle back in after this but still outright refused to be put back into the cot…

6am still asleep, 7am still asleep, 7.30am still asleep, come on Ella get up!!! She had to be woken up so she could have breakfast with Mummy before she went to work!

We will wait and see what happens tonight…

Update, has gone to bed in the big bed and only needed telling twice to go back to bed before going off to sleep for her daytime sleep...

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