Saturday, February 10, 2007

few days at the farm

Ang and Ella riding

Ang had a few days off leading up to starting nights, so we have been down the farm staying with Cole and Tania. Ang had fun riding and I helped Cole dag lambs and fix gates etc. Ella spent some quality time with Aston the dog, and is now a lot more at ease with being up close and personal with Aston. Ella even managed to get Aston to sit for her a few times. Ella also spent some time with Grandma, and went to swimming and to music with Grandma while Ang and I did other things. Photos to follow, (we left the memory card behind in Tanias computer...)
Uncle Cole jumping over the wool shed!

Ang is on nights this week so Ella and I will be laying low, trying to keep quiet around the house...

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