Sunday, August 19, 2007

Duathalon and packing

should have spent all today packing bags, but managed to get talked into competing in a duathalon instead.
only did the short distance event 2km run 11km ride 2 km run, and managed ok. (have been running 2x week these last few weeks so managed ok) although i am sure the calves will be sore tomorrow.
I don't think i will be too concerned though, as we are off on holiday for a while now, starting tomorrow so the legs will have plenty of rest.
(am taking the running shoes though)

Ang is doing well, and even has a little tummy now... must be about 17 weeks or there abouts...

Ella has been ill, and is still coughing a bit at night, but I am sure some warmer weather will help her get over that....

may not get a chance to update the blog for a few weeks, look forward to some good long updates after our break away...

Catch you all later.

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