Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Taupo to Napier

the Taupo to Napier race was this weekend, and Scott and Debbie came down for a few days, as they were heading this way with the race...
Scott raced in the B grade, and was pushed into the grass median strip just meters before the finish line, putting him off his sprint line, and resulting in him coming second, but still happy with his time and the prize money more than paid for the petrol to come down from Hamilton...

having them to stay has done wonders for my motivation to get back on the bike, (it hurts too much trying to keep up to them these days, that I'm going to have to do something about the training so that I don't get left behind by them on their tandem...) and they are enjoying making me hurt far too much so it's about time I got fit again.

Scott is on target for competing at the nationals in a few weeks time, and hope he does well. (I'm sure he will...)

After riding down from Taupo on Saturday, Scott was up for sunday bunch ride sunday morning in the fog at 8am, (which subsequently cleared to one of the nicest days we have had recently) and we rode 110km together with the bunch, around Middle road, to Elsthorpe, and back including once around the Tuki circuit. (and home via bay espresso to pick up more coffee!)
then monday Scott and Debbie went and did Apley road while Ella and I did errands in town, and Tuesday Scott and Debbie dragged me out in the wind (ok so i was probably more keen on the idea than they were, but i only get limited chances to ride, so have to take the weather as it is...) and we went around valley road, (bridge pa) circuit. 60 km in the wind being buffeted around was not all that much fun, particularly given that i suffered most of it and had to resort to hiding behind the tandem for shelter... (I need to get fit...)

They are off home tomorrow, so I wont have that rubbed in too much, but like i said, it is good motivation to get going on the bike again. roll on daylight saving, and longer days. maybe that will help.

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