Ellas choice of things to do on the weekend (after such a good week at school) was to hit the hot pools in Napier, followed by a seafood meal by the sea. Fish and chips. (in the rain, in the car, in the dark.)
Sunday while Ang was off riding, me and the girls went for a walk down one of the walkways in the village. Ella was a bit annoyed she couldn't scoot on her scooter all the way, but it was one of those, "well Daddy did try to tell you that it might not be a good place for a scooter, but you insisted on bringing it anyway...." moments.
This morning while I was having a shower, and Ang had already left for work, Ella and Lucy were busy catching Cocroaches.... well Ella was anyway, Lucy is not so keen on the creepy crawlies. Ella turns up in the bathroom with the Cocroach all bagged up ready to take down to feed to the kindy turtle. (Neville likes cocroaches for breakfast) so we had to call in there on the way to school this morning. Ella still misses Kindy. Not too sure how she caught it or where for that matter, but somewhere inside the house, and I think the plastic spatula out of the kitchen drawer was used somehow, to trap or daze the thing into submission. It had to still be alive for Nevile to eat it though, he won't eat dead bugs, (esp if they have had a dose of fly spray, not good for his health.)
the words say: for 'turtle' at temata 'kindy' - cocroach