Monday, March 02, 2009

learning about taste.

first a little dress up in Daddy's sweaty helmet after he came home from a ride, which was why the camera happened to be within arms reach... then...
later while Daddy unpacked the shopping Lucy decided she would taste test all that she could get her hands on in the bottom of the pantry. That obviously included garlic. This was the point where she broke a clove off looked at me with a 'can I eat this Dad?' look and I started to say no, but then thought, well she could just learn this one for herself, and reached for the camera instead...
Daddy are things supposed to heat up in my mouth like this?
don't know if I like this
Ok the Gag reflex works Dad... Glad you got that on film now a little help over here Huh??!!!
Ok, Daddy is rolling around on the kitchen floor laughing so this must be funny???
I think I'll just try to push the clove back in were it came from and perhaps Dad won't really mind the teeth marks
and slip it back in the bag where I got it from, and chalk that one up to experience...

footnote: I haven't noticed her trying to eat things out of the bottom of the pantry since... Dad.

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looking at me?

looking at me?