Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Ella had her 15 month jabs today. Although you wouldn’t think so given the giggling that was going on here… we went straight from the doctors to music, and forgot all about the injections and was just her normal self, dancing around the room clapping and waving at all the other kids, not a care in the world.

Men in Black

Look out aliens here comes Ella, or is it agent E!

toy of the week

the pot cupboard, and it would be fair to say that you are well aware when Ella is playing in the pot cupboard... I am sure she wakes up the neighbours with the banging on upturned stainless bowls and pots!!!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Jet Boating

I went Jet boating again this weekend, and this is the boat park at lunch time. David’s is the red one, then Blair’s, Derek’s and Marsh’s. The little red boat is the one I had to push a few times with David.

Young Jake got to have a ride in a mates helicopter when we got back from the boating trip. He was pretty excited about it, and will have an exciting story to tell at school on Monday morning!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Feeding myself

Tonight we had the greatest dinner so far. Not only did we all manage to sit down to dinner together for a change, but Ella managed to feed herself the whole dinner on her own! Even dessert… At this point Ella was debating whether or not she would get away with putting her hand in the bowl of custard, an action that usually gets the response 'Ella use your spoon'

The spoon did go west once she got down to the last bit of custard, so she opted for the direct approach. But we won’t take any marks off her for that…

Lesson in Vomit

Well it was all fun and games jumping on Mum and Dad’s bed, having a ball of a time laughing so much my stomach was fit to burst, (within 1/2 an hour of dinner),
However they didn’t see the funny side of me vomiting as a result…
That will teach them for tickling me and making me laugh tooooo much. Ella.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Toy Of The Week



Ella is making good use of this 64k computer (or at least the keyboard anyway) and she likes sitting on the floor tapping away on the keys the same as Daddy. Why not check out the links, see just how popular a computer this was... very popular in Europe, more than 2 million were sold... it now makes a very popular toy. infact toy of the week...

loose a finger!

I admit that Ella was probably tired, as we had been to the supermarket, and then to Music, and then I was doing some work stuff at the Physio practice, while trying to juggle Ella on my knee, and keep her entertained with some odds and ends that were on the table in front of her, (pens pencils, ruler etc) but of course Ella had to pick up the one item that she wasn't allowed to play with (the sissors)...
Then in my attempt to remove the sissors from her posession, (for safety reasons obviously) I grabbed the sharp end so nobody would loose a finger. Only problem with that was, Ella had other ideas and in her attempt to retain posession of the sissors, she gripped them very tightly and proceeded to cut Daddies finger off.
Moral of the story, don't mess with the sharp end of sissors, even if your opponent is only 2 feet tall!!! and if you have children, be prepared to loose fingers if you cross them. (I hope none of her friends pick on her at day care this week, things could get messy...)

Monday, May 22, 2006


Spent sunday down on the farm, and Ang had a great ride.

Moo Moo

look grandma there's the Moo Moo

latest in baby fashion

This is Ella modelling the latest trend to sweep the toddler generation. yes hipster socks are going to be the next cooooool thing.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Ella is getting quite adventurous these days, exploring more and more. Climbing up on top, burrowing underneath, and in this case crawling around behind, until she got herself quite wedged between the wall and the couch... I initally couldn't work out where the muffled 'come help me' cry was coming from, as I hadn't seen her dissapear behind the couch. And then I made her endure her tight situation for another 10 sec, while I turned the camera on to save the moment on film... before coming to her rescue. (lucky I didn't have to burrow under the house and come up from underneath with explosives, could have been a tricky few days.)

Saturday, May 13, 2006

little red boat

just to prove that our world doesn't revolve around Ella completely, I had to enter this post to say that I went Jet boating up a river today with my Cousin David and his son Jake. (in a little red boat) Sorry no action photos, but I can say that there was plenty of fuel consumed, I came home wet to about mid thigh, and we only ran aground a few times. Had a great time, and Thanks To Rhona for baby sitting Ella at short notice!

unsupervised eating...

Yes I can see you through the bottom of the plate Ella, and no I am not impressed that you have managed to tip your dinner out on the table in a effort to eat it directly out of the bowl!
Ella has started using her own fork this week, and we have allowed her to sit and feed herself most of the meal. However this day I thought that she was doing so well that I would be able to slip into the kitchen and continue to get my own meal ready.... Seems I was mistaken and no sooner had I turned my back that Ella had downed tools, and just tucked straight into the bowl (literally).

What do you mean that is not manners Dad???? it seemed to work quite well for the first mouthful but now there is nothing left in the bowl!!?? surely I didn't get all that in on one mouthful did I??

Can I still have desert?

toy of the week

Buzzy Bee wins hands down this week she has worked out that it has to be the right way up, and she does laps of the kitchen and lounge around the coffee table with buzzy close behind...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Under a toadstool

Crept a wee Elf,

Out of the rain,

To shelter himself.

Under the toadstool,

Sound asleep,

Sat a big dormouse,

All in a heap.

Trembled the wee elf,

Frightened, and yet

Fearing to fly away

Lest he get wet.

To the next shelter ---

Maybe a mile!

Sudden the wee elf

Smiled a wee smile,

Tugged till the toadstool

Poppled in two.

Holding it over him,

Gayly he flew

Soon he was safe home,

Dry as could be.

Soon woke the dormouse ---

"Good gracious me!"

"Where is my toadstool?"

Loud he lamented.

--- And that's how umbrellas

First were invented.

What do you mean there is an Elf under there Poppa? I can't see any Elf, I think you must be telling me stories... Elves under toadstools what will Poppa come up with next??

Monday, May 08, 2006

A Spagetti hair-do

Spagetti is so much fun! and when I decide I don't want to eat any more, I'll just drape it over my head and pretend like its my hair, kinda a wearable art sort of thing, and hopefully Mum and Dad won't notice and I can get in the bath a little sooner. (boy am I going to need one tonight!!!)

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Bye Bye

waving bye bye to Grandma and Barry after they had been staying this week. Ella is getting pretty good at the meet and greet & farewells, and often breaks into waves and bye byes without prompting. Including waving to people walking down the street, going by in their cars, and esp other kids that might be in waving range...

big joke

Big joke, well Ella thought it was a big joke, trying to give Daddy a wedgie while we were riding along the trail, and then bursting into fits of laughter when I had to stand up on the pedals to avoid her prying fingers

Snug as a Bug

Yes snug as a bug in a rug was Ella on our walk along the lake edge one day in Wanaka. We took a friends dog for a walk, and got wooo wooo in my ear the whole way.


Ella was a bit scared of this chap, and rightly so, he looks quite mean right up close! We hopped out of the van to look at the “baa baa” which she had excitedly announced from her back seat vantage point, but then screamed when I lifted her up close to say hi…

Asleep at the wheel

Ella had a big day today, and just couldn’t keep the eyes open any longer. I couldn’t believe that she went to sleep while we were riding along the gravel track, it was quite bumpy in places

Friday, May 05, 2006

on the Trail

Ella and Daddy, cruising the rail trail, just before Lauder.

st Bathans

Blue lake at St Bathans

Dancing on the Tables!

Dancing on the table late one night… (while Mum was out having a shower I think, and Ella and I got up to no good!!!!!!!!!)

Hawkdun Range

Hawkdun Range Central Otago

Time in the car seat

Yay! Back in the car seat again. (poor Ella spent a bit of time in the car seat over the course of the holiday, but didn’t seem to mind!!!!)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Thirsty Work

The thirsty girls after a long afternoon on the Rail Trail. They got to sit and drink tea, and I had to double back on the trail to get the campervan!

Mobile Road Block

The Mobile Road Block, somewhere on a dirt road in central Otago.
honest we didn't do much 4X4 driving really...


Ella found several slides on our holiday down south, this one was in Naesby

farmers market Dunedin

Dunedin Farmers market and Brianna, Ella & Mum looking on at a violin playing cat and her adult sized puppet.

looking at me?

looking at me?